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Square Box Crane 2 Alternate Names:
Square Box Crane 2
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Tomoko Fuse
Tomoko Fuse
Paper: Square
Pieces: 4
Cuts: No
Glue: No
Rating (Average)

2.5000 (2 ratings)
Difficulty (Average)

3.0000 (2 ratings)

About this Model
The Square Box Crane 2 uses Square Box Plain 2 units and Crane 2 units. The Plain 2 unit starts with Step 7 of the Square Box Hydrangea (page 64); then there are 5 additional steps to complete it. The Crane 2 unit begins with Step 10 of the Hydrangea (page 65) and continues with Step 4 of the Crane 1 unit (page 51); then there are 14 additional steps to complete it. The final assembly of this box lid involves joining four units. The author shows one Crane 2 unit joined with three Plain 2 units, but any combination of Plain 2 units and Crane 2 units may be used. As the author notes, the crane in the Square Box Crane 2 lid is facing in the opposite direction from the crane in the Square Box Crane 1 lid.
tgritter -- Ratings |
Although I found the creation of the Crane 2 unit quite challenging, making the Plain 2 unit was much easier and the final assembly of one Crane 2 unit with three Plain 2 units was very easy. My personal difficulty rating for this model is very high only because of the Crane 2 unit -- the rest of this box lid was not difficult.

Instructions may be found in the following
Fabulous Origami Boxes : page 67.

Fabulous Origami Boxes
Page 67

Diag:Yes CP:No Video:No
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Folded by Teresa Ritter
Photo: Teresa Ritter